Diploma Course in Computer Programming (DCP)


Diploma Course in Computer Programming

Duration: 8 months
C Programming
  • History Of C Language
  • Algorithm & Flowcharts
  • Keywords : Data-types, Variables
  • Keywords : Constants, Expression
  • Programming Structures (Loop Concepts)
  • Array (1d & 2d)
  • Functions (Declaration & Prototype)
  • Functions (Passing & Returning Values)
  • Functions (C Return Statement)
  • Functions (Passing Array Elements To Function)
  • Functions (Passing Array To Function)
  • Recursive Functions
  • String Handling (Different String Function)
  • Pointers (Concept, Pointers & Arrays)
  • Pointers (Character Array)
  • Structures (Declaring Structure Elements)
  • Structures (Accessing Structure Elements)
  • Structures (Arrays Of Structure)
  • Structure (Pointer & Structures)
  • Unions
  • File Handling (File Operation)
  • File Handling (Different Modes Of Files)
  • Files (Command Line, Arguments)
  • Files (Misc. I/O Function)
  • Files (Modes Of Files)
C + +
  • Files And Console I/O
  • Procedure V/S Object Oriented Programming
  • Benefits Of OOP’s
  • Different OOP’s Features
  • Data Types, Variables
  • Constants, Expressions
  • Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Relational)
  • Operators (Conditional, Assignments)
  • Type Conversion & Casting
  • Control Structure (If, If-else, Nested If-else)
  • Control Structure (Switch, While Loop)
  • Control Structure (For Loop)
  • Control Structure (Do While Loop)
  • Control Structure (Break, Continue)
  • Control Structure (Nested Loops)
  • Functions (Pass By Value, Pass By Reference)
  • Functions Overloading
  • Functions (Inline Functions, Friend Function)
  • Classes & Objects (Class Definition, Public)
  • Classes & Objects (Private)
  • Classes & Objects (Protected Members)
  • Constructor & Destructor (Characteristics)
  • Default Constructor
  • Constructor Overloading
  • Parameterized Constructor, Destructor
  • Copy Constructor, Operator Overloading
  • Inheritance (Base & Derived Class)
  • Single & Multilevel Inheritance
  • Abstract Class, Virtual Base Class
  • Virtual Function
  • Pointer, Polymorphism, Pointer To Array
  • Run Time & Compile Time Polymorphism
  • Template (Template Class)
  • Template (Function Templates)
  • Algorithms, What Is Data Structure?
  • Array, Lists, Stacks, Queues
  • Trees, Graphs, Sorting Methods
  • Searching Techniques
  • Tables, Files
  • OOP Concept
  • Writing Your Own Java Class
  • Java Interface
  • Java Packages
  • Java Arrays & Strings
  • GUI In Java-AWT & Swings
  • Delegation Events Model
  • Introduction To Graphics
  • I/O
  • Exceptions
  • Applet Programming
  • Socket Programming & Networking
  • Introduction To JDBC
  • Introduction To RMI
  • Introduction To Java Beans
  • Java Database Connectivity
  • Remote Method Invocation
  • Java Servlets
  • Java Server Pages
  • Enterprise Java Beans
  • Introduction To Struts
  • Java API For XML
  • Java Naming Directory Interface
  • Multithreading
  • Introduction To Python
  • Control Statements
  • Python Dictionaries And Sets
  • Input And Output In Python
  • Python Built In Function
  • List, Ranges & Tuples In Python
  • Python Object Oriented
  • Exceptions
  • Using Databases In Python
  • Multithreaded Programming
  • Python Regular Expressions
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Data Science Using Python
  • Django Web Framework In Python
  • Introduction To DBMS, RDMBMS
  • Normalization, Codd’s Rules, ER Diagrams
  • SQL Environment
  • SQL-DDL ( Data Definition Language )
  • SQL-DCL ( Data Control Language)
  • Data Constraints ( Not Null, Unique )
  • Data Constraints ( Primary Key, Foreign Key )
  • Transaction Processing ( Save Point, Commit)
  • Transaction Processing ( Rollback )
  • Where Clause, Logical Operators
  • Order By, Group By
  • Inbuilt Function ( Like, %, Length, InitCap )
  • Inbuilt Function ( Lpad, Rpad )
  • Inbuilt Function ( Abs, Cos, Round )
  • Inbuilt Function ( Power, Average, Count )
  • Date Function ( Sysdate, Add_Months )
  • Date Function ( Months_Between, Next_Day)
  • Conversion Functions ( To_Char, To_Date )
  • Conversion Functions ( To_Number )
  • Set Operations ( Union, Union All )
  • Set Operations ( Intersect, Minus )
  • Join View ( Introduction, Create )
  • Join View ( Selecting Dataset Form View )
  • Join View ( Destroy View )
  • PL/SQL Language, PL/SQL Modules
  • Cursors, Procedures, Functions
  • Database Triggers, Packages
  • Oracle Architecture
  • Airline reservation system. ...
  • Course management system. ...
  • Data visualization software. ...
  • Electricity billing system. ...
  • e-Healthcare management system. ...
  • OOP Concept
  • Writing Your Own Java Class
  • Java Interface
  • Java Packages
  • Java Arrays & Strings
  • GUI In Java-AWT & Swings
  • Delegation Events Model
  • Introduction To Graphics
  • I/O
  • Exceptions
  • Applet Programming
  • Socket Programming & Networking
  • Introduction To JDBC
  • Introduction To RMI
  • Introduction To Java Beans
  • Java Database Connectivity
  • Remote Method Invocation
  • Java Servlets
  • Java Server Pages
  • Enterprise Java Beans
  • Introduction To Struts
  • Java API For XML
  • Java Naming Directory Interface
  • Multithreading
  • Introduction To Python
  • Control Statements
  • Python Dictionaries And Sets
  • Input And Output In Python
  • Python Built In Function
  • List, Ranges & Tuples In Python
  • Python Object Oriented
  • Exceptions
  • Using Databases In Python
  • Multithreaded Programming
  • Python Regular Expressions
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Data Science Using Python
  • Django Web Framework In Python
  • Introduction To DBMS, RDMBMS
  • Normalization, Codd’s Rules, ER Diagrams
  • SQL Environment
  • SQL-DDL ( Data Definition Language )
  • SQL-DCL ( Data Control Language)
  • Data Constraints ( Not Null, Unique )
  • Data Constraints ( Primary Key, Foreign Key )
  • Transaction Processing ( Save Point, Commit)
  • Transaction Processing ( Rollback )
  • Where Clause, Logical Operators
  • Order By, Group By
  • Inbuilt Function ( Like, %, Length, InitCap )
  • Inbuilt Function ( Lpad, Rpad )
  • Inbuilt Function ( Abs, Cos, Round )
  • Inbuilt Function ( Power, Average, Count )
  • Date Function ( Sysdate, Add_Months )
  • Date Function ( Months_Between, Next_Day)
  • Conversion Functions ( To_Char, To_Date )
  • Conversion Functions ( To_Number )
  • Set Operations ( Union, Union All )
  • Set Operations ( Intersect, Minus )
  • Join View ( Introduction, Create )
  • Join View ( Selecting Dataset Form View )
  • Join View ( Destroy View )
  • PL/SQL Language, PL/SQL Modules
  • Cursors, Procedures, Functions
  • Database Triggers, Packages
  • Oracle Architecture
  • Airline reservation system. ...
  • Course management system. ...
  • Data visualization software. ...
  • Electricity billing system. ...
  • e-Healthcare management system. ...

Features of the course

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